Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Gift of Insults

There are many ways you can insult someone. One way is to write a sarcastic card along with a gross candle. You may choose from several different candles. The Dutch Oven Candle is funny. Have you or your significant other ever farted in bed and pulled the covers over the other person’s head? That would be the Dutch Oven!

Maybe you want to prank your grandma. The perfect gift is the Grandma’s Fart Candle. Once gram takes the smelly disc off of the candle she can enjoy a lovely fragrance. Every time she burns her candle she will think of her favorite grandchild. (Wink, wink.)

Give your best friend the Dog Vomit Candle just because you can! After all, “We cherish our friends not for their ability to amuse us, but for ours to amuse them.”~Evelyn Waugh

Is one of your best friends getting married? Give the happy couple two of our stank candles. Get the Cheap Hoar Candle for the groom and the Smell My Nuts Candle for the bride. Surely you’ll be the talk of the crowd at the gift opening gathering! Make sure you enclose a note sharing that half of the proceeds you spent went to help animal shelters.

“Every time my friend succeeds, I die a little.” ~Gore Vidal You can’t help but get that twinge when a friend succeeds. You’re torn between being happy for him versus yourself being stuck in a rut. One way to congratulate your friend is with a Pull My Finger Candle. Your friend will get a congratulatory gift from you and you will get the satisfaction of being a little snarky. If you can’t offend your good friend, who can you?

The best part about these stinky candles is that half of the money goes to help animal shelters. That means the more you spend the more you are helping animals. This is the gift that keeps on giving. So continue insulting your friends and family because you probably like animals better anyways. Just kidding! But you will have the warm satisfaction of knowing you are helping and saving animals with your gift. Check out our gross candles and enjoy the convenience of online shopping. 

Share a laugh with another and gift them with a Yank Me Candle today!

Please connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more laughs!

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